Only exercises you need to look jacked

Are you tired of spending countless hours in the gym, performing complicated workout routines with little to no visible results? Look no further! In this article, we reveal the ultimate guide to achieving a jacked physique with minimal time investment. In our opinion, these are the only exercises you need to look jacked.

When it comes to building a well-defined, muscular body, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of conflicting advice and complex exercise regimens. However, we believe that simplicity and efficiency are the keys to success.

By focusing on a select few exercises that deliver maximum results, you can sculpt your muscles and transform your physique in no time.

How many sets to get jacked?

Getting “jacked” refers to building muscle mass through strength training. The number of sets needed to achieve this goal varies depending on the individual’s fitness level and specific goals. Generally, beginners are advised to start with 2-3 sets per exercise, while intermediate and advanced lifters may do 3-5 sets or more. Each set should consist of 8-12 reps with a weight that challenges the muscles but allows for proper form.

It’s important to progressively increase weight and/or reps over time to continue seeing progress.

To achieve a more muscular physique, it is important to prioritize working on larger muscle groups rather than solely focusing on smaller ones like biceps and triceps. In this post, we will outline the only exercises you need to look jacked.

One key factor in building muscle is consistency; consistently performing challenging sets regularly with proper rest and nutrition can result in the “jacked” physique many strive for. However, it’s also important to vary exercises and incorporate different muscle groups to avoid plateauing and keep the body challenged. In short, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how many sets to get jacked; it depends on the individual’s current fitness level, goals, and consistency in their training.

How many reps to get jacked?

If you’re looking to get jacked, the number of reps you should do depends on your training goals.

If you’re aiming to increase muscle size, sets of 8-12 reps is a good range to work within. This is because it is an optimal range for hypertrophy, or muscle growth, as it allows for a good combination of mechanical and metabolic stress on the muscle fibers.

On the other hand, if you’re more interested in building strength, lower reps may be more beneficial, such as sets of 3-5 reps.

This is because this range allows you to train your nervous system to lift heavier weights, rather than just building muscle. However, keep in mind that proper form and technique should always be prioritized over lifting heavier weights to avoid injuries.

Additionally, it’s important to incorporate a variety of exercises and rep ranges into your training program to ensure balanced muscle development and to prevent hitting a plateau.

What are the 5 exercises to get jacked?

 Many people aspire to have a chiseled, muscular physique that screams “jacked.” To get there, one must engage in various physical exercises that target different muscle groups. The exercise routines concentrate on targeting the essential muscle groups to attain a balanced and symmetrical physique.

Deadlifts are effective in building core strength and power in the legs and lower back.

Similarly, bench presses are excellent for bulking up the chest muscles.

Squats are a great way to develop leg muscles, while pull-ups target the back, arms, and shoulders.

Military presses are beneficial in strengthening the shoulders and upper arms.

Combined, these five exercises can help you to achieve the jacked physique you crave. However, it’s important to remember that getting jacked isn’t just about doing these exercises. One must also maintain a healthy diet and sufficient rest to allow the muscles to heal and repair properly.

Getting jacked requires dedicated effort and consistency over time, so don’t expect results overnight. With hard work and patience, you can achieve the jacked physique you’ve always desired. 

The Only Exercises you need to look Jacked

Barbell Bench Press

a man doing bench press

The barbell bench press is a weightlifting exercise that primarily targets the chest muscles. It is performed by lying on a flat bench with a barbell held horizontally above the chest, then lowering the bar to the chest level and pressing it back up again. This exercise is the most popular pressing movement and is popular in both bodybuilding and powerlifting communities.

One of the biggest advantages of the barbell bench press is that it allows the lifter to handle more weight than with dumbbells, making it an ideal exercise for those who want to build a thick chest and solid shoulders. It is also highly beneficial to integrate incline presses as well as incline and decline presses for a more comprehensive workout.

To avoid plateau and muscle memory, it is recommended that one uses different variations of the barbell bench press each week. With proper form and programming, the barbell bench press can be a highly effective exercise for building both strength and size in the upper body. 

Overhead Press

a man doing overhead press

The overhead press is an exercise that targets the shoulders and helps build those boulder shoulders. It can be done with either dumbbells or a barbell, but the key to success is standing tall with your core engaged. To perform an overhead press with dumbbells, start with a dumbbell in each hand and press them up above your head until your arms are straight.

Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to your shoulders and repeat for the desired number of reps. The barbell variation involves standing in front of a barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Lift the bar from the rack and press it up overhead until your arms are straight. Then, lower the bar back down to your shoulders and repeat. Incorporating overhead presses into your workout routine can help to strengthen your shoulders and improve your overall upper body strength.

The overhead press is a fundamental exercise for building shoulders and an all-around stronger physique. 


a man doing deadlift

The deadlift is a classic weightlifting exercise that targets your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. It is a compound exercise that involves lifting a loaded barbell or dumbbell off the ground with a straight back, using the strength of your legs and core. Deadlifts are a great addition to any workout routine, as they work to build thick slabs of muscle on your posterior chain, improving your overall strength and athleticism.

Moreover, deadlifts offer many variations that you can incorporate into your sessions to keep your workouts challenging and interesting.

For example, sumo deadlifts, which involve a wider stance, can help target your inner thighs and glutes. If you’re looking for an exercise that works for your body, the deadlift is a great option, as it can be scaled to any fitness level.

Incorporating deadlifts and different versions into your routine can help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall body composition. 

Back Squat

a man doing squat

The back squat is a fundamental exercise in weightlifting that works the lower body muscles, particularly the hamstrings, and glutes. It is a compound movement that engages several joints and muscle groups simultaneously, making it an efficient workout for building strength and power.

During a training session, the back squat is commonly used to target the lower body muscles and improve overall athletic performance. To perform the exercise, the athlete places the barbell across their upper back and shoulders and squats down until the hips are below the knees, then stands back up to complete a repetition.

The back squat is a versatile exercise that can be done with various weights and modifications to target different areas of the lower body, making it a staple in strength training programs. It is also functional, as it mimics movements that we perform in daily activities like sitting down and standing up.

Regularly incorporating the back squat in training programs can help improve strength, power, and overall lower body function. 

Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs

a man doing shrugs

Barbell and dumbbell shrugs are exercises that target the trapezius muscles in the upper back. The main difference between the two is the type of equipment used. Barbell shrugs use a straight barbell and is typically done standing in an upright position.

Dumbbell shrugs, as the name suggests, involve holding dumbbells in each hand and shrugging the shoulders upward. Both exercises can be done with heavier weights to increase the intensity of the workout and promote muscle growth.

Typically, barbell shrugs allow for the use of heavier weights than dumbbell shrugs due to the nature of the equipment. However, dumbbell shrugs allow for more isolated targeting of the trapezius muscles and can be easier on the upper body joints. Exercising the neck and trapezius muscles creates the impression of strength and prevents the undesired “skinny neck” look. 

What should I take to get jacked?

Consuming ample amounts of protein is important for muscle growth. I suggest consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight and distributing it evenly throughout the day. It is particularly essential to consume protein after exercising as it serves as the primary building block for muscles.

Getting jacked is not just about eating a ton of protein and lifting heavy weights. While those things are important, achieving a ripped and muscular physique requires a well-rounded approach that includes a proper diet, consistent exercise, and rest.

In terms of diet, you should aim to consume enough protein to fuel muscle growth but also focus on getting lean by eating plenty of vegetables and cutting back on processed foods and sugar. Adequate rest and recovery are also crucial in allowing your muscles to repair and grow. In addition to exercise and nutrition, supplements such as creatine and whey protein can aid in muscle growth and recovery.


To jack up your muscles, you should focus on compound exercises that work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. However, it’s also important to incorporate isolation exercises to target specific muscles and hit them from different angles.

Doing these exercises 1 time or 1-2 times a week (if you’re doing a push-pull split) for your lower and upper body will help you look bigger and get ripped. I generally favor a workout routine that engages all muscle groups equally, such as a full-body workout.

By following a consistent and challenging workout routine that includes these exercises, you can achieve the physique you want and get jacked in no time.